Night Vision Shimmer

Night Vision Shimmer

Night Vision Shimmer

Night vision low light technology, also known as low light night vision technology, is a technology that uses natural night sky light such as weak moonlight, starlight, atmospheric glow, and Milky Way light as illumination light at night. Through image intensifiers, the weak photons reflected by ground objects are amplified and converted into visible light images to achieve night imaging.

Detailed Introduction

Optical components required for night vision low light


Calcium fluoride windows, barium fluoride windows, magnesium fluoride windows, silicon windows, germanium windows, zinc selenide windows, zinc sulfide windows, sapphire windows, fused silica windows, lithium fluoride windows, K9 glass windows


Germanium long wave pass filters, silicon long wave pass filters

The application fields of night vision low light

Night combat equipment, reconnaissance and surveillance, aiming and shooting, night patrol, rescue, surveillance and reconnaissance, surveillance, security, night driving, aviation navigation, astronomical observation, ocean research, outdoor exploration, photography and videography

Instruments required for photoelectric infrared

Infrared spectrometer, thermocouple detector, photomultiplier tube detector, semiconductor detector, focal plane array detector, infrared thermal imager, infrared sensor

Optical Components Required For Night Vision Shimmer

Related Application Fields







