Optical components required for infrared light sources
Calcium fluoride windows, barium fluoride windows, magnesium fluoride windows, silicon windows, germanium windows, zinc selenide windows, zinc sulfide windows, sapphire windows, fused silica windows, lithium fluoride windows, K9 glass windows
Planar convex lens, planar concave lens, biconvex lens, biconvex lens, meniscus lens
Germanium long wave pass filters, silicon long wave pass filters
Right-angle prisms
Classification of infrared light sources
Thermal radiation infrared light source
Generating infrared radiation based on the thermal radiation effect of objects
Gas discharge infrared light source
Generating infrared radiation through gas discharge
Laser infrared light source
Using the laser beam of a laser to generate infrared radiation
Infrared LED lights
Infrared radiation generated by electroluminescence effect based on semiconductor PN junction
Infrared lamp tubes and infrared radiation plates
Heating the surface of a filament or radiation plate through an electric current generates infrared radiation
Infrared induction light
Control the light switch by sensing human infrared signals
Infrared light source applications
Heating therapy, night vision security, communication and navigation, medical, military, industrial testing, environmental monitoring, aviation and aviation